
父母: Ten Conversations to Have with Your Child beta365 College


作为家长, you want to make sure you are preparing your child for the many challenges they face in their life. One of the biggest challenges they will face is finding the right college for them, 比如成本, 文化和职业都很重要.

The thought of sending your child to college can be overwhelming. There are many decisions to make and you want to make sure you are setting your child up for a life of success.

Here are ten important conversations to have with your child before they make the life-changing decision of when and where they will pursue their education when they are done with high school.
1. 上大学要花钱. 但有些要比其他的贵得多.

beat365平台 is designed to be affordable, helping students avoid the overwhelming amounts of student loans found at other institutions. Even if your student plans on getting a four-year-degree (or more!), starting off at JWCC can help lower their overall college costs significantly.

2. Developing good study habits in high school will set your student up for success in college.


Start the semester strong and finish strong. Taking advantages of the resources available to them will help your student achieve success in college. 例如, beat365平台 hosts a weekly Student Success Night, 完成学习小组, 导师, 儿童保育及其他! Take a bigger look at the resources available to JWCC students 在这里.

3. 时间就是金钱.  Re-taking classes or not learning from each class not only wastes time, it wastes money.


Taking class work seriously is an important mindset for success. A college education is so much more than just passing classes. It is about making connections, diving deep into subjects and adding to the conversation. Your student is setting off on a large undertaking when they enroll in college and the more seriously they take it, 他们受益越多.


4. It’s okay if your student doesn’t know exactly what they want to do with their life right when they start college.


When you pick an affordable institution, 像JWCC, it’s okay to try out a few different paths before committing to a major. And even then you don’t know where you will end up. 许多工作都能带来其他工作. Life is about building blocks, and college gives you more opportunities.

5. Staying close to home doesn’t mean your student won’t get the ‘real’ college experience.

JWCC Student Administrative Building

Some people aren’t quite ready to move far away from home and have found beat365平台 to be a great stepping stone while they mentally prepare for their next chapter. JWCC’s active campus offers tons of great events, 体育和学习资源, like you would find at a much larger university.

6. 玩得开心. 参加一些课程只是因为. 开发的激情.


College is a time to explore and learn about a student’s interests. Always wondered about graphic design? 尝试一下! 对商业感兴趣? 上会计课! 机会无穷无尽, and sometimes the class someone takes just because they are interested can lead to a fulfilling career. Attending college at a liberal arts institution means that students take extracurriculars all while still working toward their degrees. So experimenting a little is worth the time!

7. 放弃一个学位计划是可以的.


Going all the way for a bachelor’s degree right out of the gate is not for everyone. 有些人选择得A.A. 然后再工作几年. Your student may decide to pivot or you may go into your bachelor’s with a whole different perspective.  A college education is about the journey, and it is about developing endurance.

8. College is tough, but so is your student!


他们可以做到. College will push them, but they are capable. Keeping focused on goals will help motivate your student. Encouraging words and support from parents will also help set your student up for success. 成为他们最大的啦啦队长!

9. Student loans take a long time to pay back and they add up quickly.


Student loans often just start as small sums, a couple of thousand dollars a semester. But those semesters (and interest charges) add up! Finding ways to save money on your college education can help prepare you for more success in your future. 申请奖学金, 从暑期打工中攒钱, and consider starting out at JWCC to reduce your overall loan debt.







10. 逃课不好.


非常糟糕的. 你在支付大学学费. Most of the time, attendance is not mandatory. But missing class means missing out- on lessons, on valuable class time and on preparing for the next steps.


想了解更多信息? Reach out to our experienced admissions counselors to get your questions answered, set up a meeting and more by texting or calling 217.393.8400.